Holan Omeed

I've done so many things through my life time and I'm still seeking new and extra
this is my journey and I run it

Who AM I ?!

Hello I am from Earth

A Guy who research on STEAM currently at this moment I am a student for AI and Robot, most of my skills are Engineering for Software, Electrical, Mechanical

A Few Things About My Life,Projects,Shares,Books & Movies

My hobbies

I can't live without doing anything

My Skills

These are a few of my Skills

My Projects

I had built and developed them


My laptop has seen alot of things that I don't want to talk about

My Movies

They've showed me howto go through a journey/p>

My Books

These are my are my favourite books that I've read and has left an impact on me

Where to learn

These are a few places that I've learnt new things


Playing games are cool! But building one is cooler/p>

Play my Radio Station